iP – 2010

Concept, Choreography and Interpretation: Mustafa Kaplan
Co-production: Bimeras | iDANS (Istanbul)
Supported by: 0090/Monty (Antwerp-Belgium), Espase Pasolini Theatre International (Valenciennes-France)
Thanks to: Deniz Zirek, Gurur Ertem, Alain Michel, Filiz Sızanlı and Marie Topp

30 min. solo

When I received an offer to create a site-specific work in Copenhagen, I started to reflect on the possibilities of working on/with/about/against/in spite of public spaces a city affords.

How does the city I live in influence my work? How to I discover a city that I visit for the first time? How to research the relationship between the self and the city? How do I tackle with the journey the city directs me into? How do I topple the routine? How do I cover and alter distances?

I dealt with similar questions in my next residency in Casablanca. I measured a well-known building in the city with a rope, and organized a different space in the same scale. I translated a given volume in the city to a different volume.

When I visited Copenhagen for the second time, I pursued these ideas and questions further and explored what other kinds of transfers I could make into a certain area/volume/space. With this jigsaw puzzle logic I transformed different spaces via different methods, and constructed/exhibited/played with the resulting images.

“Translation” emerged as one of the key words of my research, and acquired several layers of meaning: Transposing, transforming, translocating… a volume into rope, rope to weight, weight to time, text to language. I trace the passage in between the different manifestations, pursuing the rope without knowing where it is attached to, or who is holding the strings.

Doubles, ruptures, cleavages:

Everything leaves a trace, or at least, gets doubled.  A whole new universe is created between the original and the trace, in spite of or maybe because of the fission. How many copies does it take for one to be able to lose the trace of the “original?”

If I view myself as a collector of the senses the city affords, which ones I choose, which ones I gather, which ones I linger on most.

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Past Performances
October ‘12 / Impact Festival, Veles, Macedonia
June ‘12 / Dance Kiosk, Hamburg, Germany
March ‘12 / Festival International de Danse Contemporaine, Marrakech, Morocco
July ‘11 / La Caldera, GREC Festival de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
December ’10Monty, 0090 KunstenFestival, Antwerp, Belgium
November ’10Espace Pier Paolo Pasolini, NEXT Festival, Valenciennes, France
October ’10garajistanbul, iDANS Festival, Istanbul, Turkey
May ‘10 / Mellemrum Site Specific Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark
March ‘10/Officina, Miniature Poject, Casablanca, Morocco